
on Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Magic Beer

on Monday, October 31, 2011

A lady saw a good looking man at the bar and ask a man the man what  he's drinking. "Magic Beer!" the good looking man replied. The lady was puzzled and ask "What's magic about that beer?" "This is my eight bottle and the magic will start."...

Nail Art

on Sunday, October 30, 2011

Just want to show this awesome nail art... lot of effort and passion doing this... It takes a thousands of nails to create this magnificent work of ar...

Humor: The Wish

on Saturday, October 29, 2011

Your wish is my command.. a humor comics...

Great Excuse to skip Boring Class

on Friday, October 28, 2011

Okay I'm not recommending to all that you skip class.. its not right.. Just another humor video  to start your day right or the break free from stress...

Fun fact to laugh

on Thursday, October 27, 2011

Just another humor to make you smile... or my excuse of being lazy posting a new entry......

Pilipinas Got Talent: Synergy

on Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Synergy Audition Piece Semifinals Performance Beside from El Gamma Penumbra, my other personal favorite that I voted 15 times is the Synergy.  They are  amazing and their talent is exceptional. Synergy showcase a breath taking performance from the grand finals of Pilipinas Got Talent. Their performance depicts the beauty of cross pollinati...

Pilipinas Got Talent: El Gama Penumbra

on Tuesday, October 25, 2011

    El Gamma Penumbra is one of my personal bet in the recent 3rd season of Pilipinas Got Talent. The talent they showcase was a shadow play that every Filipino at heart will make proud. The Way El Gamma showcase filipino culture, Philippine tourist spots and nationalism is simply amazing, they did it all in less than 3 minutes.. but sad to say they didn't win .. I voted them 15 times in text but still some Filipinos loves singing and the grand winner is yet another singer or singing group...     Watch their performanc...
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