The Block (On Writing)
The way forward's been dark for some time.
Many years ago, back when I had faith in things unseen, I had a dream in
three parts. (I thought then it was...
Review: Julien, De Munt Roeselare
Het was mijn vrijgezellen dag en we hadden normaal gezien afgesproken om
half 12 bij mijn collega maar omdat ik al om 9u30 in Roeselare ben, hebben
we iets...
Happy after all
Page 83… in a fiction series Miranda greeted the man at the farmers
market. August was tourist season, a busy month on the island. A gray
haired woman sa...
Site Update : What's New?
It's been a longggggggggggggggggggggg time since my last post. I mean
really really long time. I'm still alive after all this month and year.
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