Love Talk

on Thursday, August 25, 2011

 " Do you love me?'' my girlfriend asked me that all of a sudden. I look at her and paused for I minute I replied " Why did you ask that?" She look at me and start stroking my hair and said " because I haven't heard you say that to me."
    Honestly, I don't know how to answer the question and not sure what love is. I just replied her question with another question. I rather do that than give her a satisfying answer that I really don't know what it is. It's not my nature of tricking a girl just to make her smile with my dishonest answer. Don't say you love that person even if you are not , for me its  cheating and a big lie.. I saw a lot of people around me and how much they say to each other how much the love each other and in the end failed relationship..
     I don't know what love is.. I want to know what really love mean.. ( :P some kind of lyrics from a song..) Well some say love is patient, love is kind, love is... blah.. blah .. blah. or you can check the dictionary or the internet and look the meaning of love from wikipedia.. As far as I know, you can answer love when hearts tell you  not by your mind and mouth.
     When I heard my GF telling me that she haven't hear of me saying I love her.. I gaze on her eyes and hold her hands, pressing her hand firmly and I replied to her "Isn't my action is not enough?" " Action speaks louder than word, right?'' then she just smile at me..
I want her to be happy and we don't have a problem...
I care for her...
I cooked to her...
I enjoy being with her, when I'm not with her I want time to fly passed but when I'm with her I want to paused the time and want that to last...
I trust her as much as she trust me and I never want that to be broken...
She know my daily routine and for her it's exhausting and she's proud of it, when she's doing that... she makes me proud of myself...
I just want her to be happy and don't want to see any sadness in her eyes..but lying with her by answering the question that I'm not sure.. I rather go naked than wear fur ( just kidding, hahaha, sorry another disturbing PETA ad I saw.. LOL) .. I just answer her question with another question that she answer...

and that's leave me wondering on  what she thinks of it...


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