Memory Loss

on Friday, July 1, 2011

       When Bill Gates is a young man, he used to hang a map of Africa on his garage wall during his college days, so that every time he got off his car, he'd test himself by naming major and minor areas of that continent. While on the other hand, a young man like you had the Pin-up girls hanging on the wall and admiring their silicon twins.  Way to go genius! No wonder a man like you,  are not worth a billion dollars right now, not only you are forgetting things, like : where you placed your keys, your wallet and even you grandad whom you last saw in the mall when you forced him to go shopping with you.
    Now ask yourself: how do I remember those hot girls numbers?
Normal absent-mindedness, while not necessarily an indicator of anything serious, is not exactly uncommon among adult males. Forgetfulness tends to increase with age, but there is a big difference between normal absent-mindedness and the type of memory loss associated with Alzheimer's Disease.

Here are some tips:

Established a routine in your everyday life.

Write things down.

Keeps everything in a notebook and keep the notebook in the same place.

Pay Attention.

When something is important, stop other activity and repeat what you want to remember over and over to yourself, at least 10 times.

Post written reminders in a place that you are sure to see ( door, bathroom mirror,  refrigerator).

Prioritize what is important. Trying to do too many things at once will make it especially hard for you to remember things.

Practice saying no or letting go of the things that are not your top priorities


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